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Add trusted site in Internet Explorer in C#.
How to change Internet Explorer Settings like ActiveX enable disable in C#?
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Hi all, if you families with C# look at the below Helper Class IEOptions.cs and its implementation in program.cs.
It is a simple console application which help you to change IE settings.
IEOptions.cs Code
Add trusted site in Internet Explorer in C#.
How to change Internet Explorer Settings like ActiveX enable disable in C#?
How to all Run Java in IE programmatically in C#?
Hi all, if you families with C# look at the below Helper Class IEOptions.cs and its implementation in program.cs.
It is a simple console application which help you to change IE settings.
IEOptions.cs Code
using Microsoft.Win32; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace Change_Internet_Explorer_Settings_In_CSharp { class IEOptions { public class Security { public enum Zones { My_Computer = 0, Local_Intranet_Zone = 1, Trusted_sites_Zone = 2, Internet_Zone= 3, Restricted_Sites_Zone= 4 } public enum CustomLevelSettings { ActiveX_plugins_Download_signed_ActiveX_controls= 1001, ActiveX_plugins_Download_unsigned_ActiveX_controls= 1004, ActiveX_plugins_Run_ActiveX_controls_and_plug_ins= 1200, ActiveX_plugins_Initialize_and_script_ActiveX_controls = 1201, Miscellaneous_Allow_scripting_of_Internet_Explorer_Web_browser_control= 1206, Reserved= 1207, ActiveX_plugins_Allow_previously_unused_ActiveX_controls_to_run_without_prompt= 1208, ActiveX_plugins_Allow_Scriptlets= 1209, ActiveX_controls_and_plug_ins_Script_ActiveX_controls_marked_as_safe_for_scripting= 1405, Scripting_Active_scripting= 1400, Scripting_Scripting_of_Java_applets= 1402, Miscellaneous_Access_data_sources_across_domains= 1406, Scripting_Allow_Programmatic_clipboard_access= 1407, Scripting_Enable_XSS_Filter= 1409, Miscellaneous_Submit_non_encrypted_form_data= 1601, Downloads_Font_download= 1604, Run_Java= 1605, Miscellaneous_Userdata_persistence= 1606, Miscellaneous_Navigate_sub_frames_across_different_domains = 1607, Miscellaneous_Allow_META_REFRESH= 1608, Miscellaneous_Display_mixed_content= 1609, Miscellaneous_Installation_of_desktop_items= 1800, Miscellaneous_Drag_and_drop_or_copy_and_paste_files= 1802, Downloads_File_Download= 1803 } public enum Values { Enable = 0, Disable = -1, Prompt = 1, } public static string AddTrustedSites(string url, int zone) { string _resp = ""; try { Match match = Regex.Match(url, @"\A(.+)://((.+)\.)?([^.]+\.[^.]+)\Z"); string protocol = match.Groups[1].Value; string subdomain = match.Groups[3].Value; string domain = match.Groups[4].Value; if (domain == "") { match = Regex.Match(url, @"\A(.+)://(.+)\Z"); protocol = match.Groups[1].Value; subdomain = ""; domain = match.Groups[2].Value; } if (protocol == "" || domain == "") { throw new Exception("Invalid URL " + url + ". Url must start with http:// OR https://"); } string key = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings\\ZoneMap\\Domains\\" + domain; RegistryKey regKeyDomain = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(key); using (regKeyDomain) { if (subdomain == "") { regKeyDomain.SetValue(protocol, zone); } else { RegistryKey regKeySubdomain = regKeyDomain.CreateSubKey(subdomain); using (regKeySubdomain) { regKeySubdomain.SetValue(protocol, zone); } } _resp = "success:" + url + " added as trusted site."; } } catch (Exception ex) { _resp = "failed:" + ex.Message; } return _resp; } public static string SetCustomLevelSetting(int zone, int setting, int value) { string resp = ""; try { RegistryKey ChangeSettings = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings\\Zones\\" + (int)zone, true); if (ChangeSettings.GetValue(setting.ToString(), zone).ToString() != value.ToString()) { ChangeSettings.SetValue(((int)setting).ToString(), value , RegistryValueKind.DWord); } ChangeSettings.Close(); resp = "success:" + ((CustomLevelSettings)setting).ToString().Replace("_"," ") + " : " + ((Values)value).ToString() ; } catch (Exception ex) { resp = "failed:" + ex.Message; } return resp; } } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace Change_Internet_Explorer_Settings_In_CSharp { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "Capricorn CA 2014 Tool for IE settings"; Console.WriteLine("\n\nProcessing...\n"); string t1 = IEOptions.Security.AddTrustedSites("", (int)IEOptions.Security.Zones.Trusted_sites_Zone); string s1 = IEOptions.Security.SetCustomLevelSetting( (int)IEOptions.Security.Zones.Trusted_sites_Zone, (int)IEOptions.Security.CustomLevelSettings.ActiveX_plugins_Download_signed_ActiveX_controls, (int)IEOptions.Security.Values.Prompt ); string s2 = IEOptions.Security.SetCustomLevelSetting( (int)IEOptions.Security.Zones.Trusted_sites_Zone, (int)IEOptions.Security.CustomLevelSettings.ActiveX_plugins_Initialize_and_script_ActiveX_controls, (int)IEOptions.Security.Values.Enable ); string s3 = IEOptions.Security.SetCustomLevelSetting( (int)IEOptions.Security.Zones.Trusted_sites_Zone, (int)IEOptions.Security.CustomLevelSettings.ActiveX_plugins_Run_ActiveX_controls_and_plug_ins, (int)IEOptions.Security.Values.Enable ); if ( t1.StartsWith("success:") && s1.StartsWith("success:") && s2.StartsWith("success:") && s3.StartsWith("success:") ) { Console.WriteLine("All required setting configured. :-)\n"); Console.WriteLine("Press [Enter] to exit.."); } else { Console.WriteLine(t1); Console.WriteLine(s1); Console.WriteLine(s2); Console.WriteLine(s3); } Console.Read(); } } }