Thursday, 16 July 2015

You do not have View Definition permission on the 'xxxx' database, SQL server

Full error: Error 1 The reverse engineering operation cannot continue because you do not have View Definition permission on the 'xxxx' database. 0 0.

Description: Once i was comparing sql schema using SqlSchemaComarre in Visual studio 2013 i got same error. Every thing seems to be right but i was stuck with the problem. Suddenly i go through the user permission an i saw in User Mapping for selected database db_owner was unchecked. I check the same and that worked for me.

Solution: GO TO

  1. SQL server management studio
  2. Security
  3. Logins
  4. Specific user
  5. properties
  6. User mapping
  7. Specific database
  8. Check db_owner
  9. ok

Hope it would work for you to. :-)