Before staring this blog, i would like to describe the basic of DotNet tool, it will not take more than minutes.
Installation: dotnet tool install --global dotnet-counters
Monitoring: dotnet counters monitor --process-id 17264 --providers Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting System.Runtime
Now its good to start performance testing part from main topic. As we already know how to check various counter matrices using dotnet-counters while we will be using Bombardier.
Bombardier, Is an open source tools to make flood of http1/http2 request with various options using cli. It is written in GO programming, thus we required GO executable to understand GO command.
go get -u
bombardier -c 125 -n 10000 http://localhost:51976/api_documentation/index/index.html
dotnet tools
To simplify .net core work by using cli on Machine or in Path we use dotnet tools.Ex:
- dotnet-counters
- dotnet-ef
- dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool
- dotnet tool install --global <PACKAGE_NAME>
- dotnet tool list -g|--global
- dotnet tool run <COMMAND NAME>
- dotnet tool uninstall <PACKAGE_NAME> -g|--global
- dotnet tool update <PACKAGE_NAME> -g|--global
Is used to monitor and collect diagnostic info of a running process. More could be found here on Stefan Geiger blog and Official Microsoft site.Installation: dotnet tool install --global dotnet-counters
Monitoring: dotnet counters monitor --process-id 17264 --providers Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting System.Runtime
Now its good to start performance testing part from main topic. As we already know how to check various counter matrices using dotnet-counters while we will be using Bombardier.
Bombardier, Is an open source tools to make flood of http1/http2 request with various options using cli. It is written in GO programming, thus we required GO executable to understand GO command.
go get -u
bombardier -c 125 -n 10000 http://localhost:51976/api_documentation/index/index.html
Must have a look on powerful Bombardier's command.
After successful execution we can find statistics like this