If you want to encrypt and decrypt text using FIPS complaint algorithm just use DESCryptoServiceProvider SymmetricAlgorithm for framework 2.0 and above.
public class _Security { public static SymmetricAlgorithm objCrptoService = new DESCryptoServiceProvider(); //You can modif the the tempIV static string tempIV = "1b46123aaed34e869af8"; public static string EncryptString(string sourceText, string key) { try { // Create a memory stream MemoryStream objMemStream = new MemoryStream(); //Set the legal keys and initialization verctors objCrptoService.Key = GetLegalsecretKey(key); objCrptoService.IV = GetLegalIV(); ICryptoTransform desencrypt = objCrptoService.CreateEncryptor(); CryptoStream cryptostream = new CryptoStream(objMemStream, desencrypt, CryptoStreamMode.Write); //CryptoStream objCryptStream = new CryptoStream(objMemStream, objCrptoService.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write); StreamWriter objStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(cryptostream); // Write the sourceText to the memroy stream. objStreamWriter.WriteLine(sourceText); // Close the StreamWriter and CryptoStream objects. objStreamWriter.Close(); cryptostream.Close(); // Get an array of bytes that represents the memory stream. byte[] outputBuffer = objMemStream.ToArray(); // Close the memory stream. objMemStream.Close(); // Return the encrypted byte array. string clearText = System.Convert.ToBase64String(outputBuffer); clearText = clearText.Replace("+", "$$$$$$"); clearText = clearText.Replace("/", "@@@@@@"); return clearText; } catch (Exception exc) { return ""; } } public static string DecryptString(string encriptedText, string key) { try { encriptedText = encriptedText.Replace("$$$$$$", "+"); encriptedText = encriptedText.Replace("@@@@@@", "/"); //Convert the text into bytest byte[] ecriptedBytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(encriptedText); // Create a memory stream to the passed buffer MemoryStream objMemStream = new MemoryStream(ecriptedBytes); //Set the legal keys and initialization verctors objCrptoService.Key = GetLegalsecretKey(key); objCrptoService.IV = GetLegalIV(); // Create a CryptoStream using the memory stream and the cryptographic service provider version // of the Data Encryption stanadard algorithm key CryptoStream objCryptStream = new CryptoStream(objMemStream, objCrptoService.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Read); // Create a StreamReader for reading the stream. StreamReader objstreamReader = new StreamReader(objCryptStream); // Read the stream as a string. string outputText = objstreamReader.ReadLine(); /* //Decryption in 4.0 with bad data error solution. MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); objCryptStream.CopyTo(stream); stream.Position = 0; StreamReader R = new StreamReader(stream); string outputText = R.ReadToEnd(); */ // Close the streams. objstreamReader.Close(); objCryptStream.Close(); objMemStream.Close(); return outputText; } catch(Exception exc) { return exc.Message; } } private static byte[] GetLegalsecretKey(string secretKey) { string tempKey = secretKey; objCrptoService.GenerateKey(); byte[] tempBytes = objCrptoService.Key; int secretKeyLength = tempBytes.Length; if (tempKey.Length > secretKeyLength) tempKey = tempKey.Substring(0, secretKeyLength); else if (tempKey.Length < secretKeyLength) tempKey = tempKey.PadRight(secretKeyLength, ' '); return ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(tempKey); } private static byte[] GetLegalIV() { objCrptoService.GenerateIV(); byte[] tempBytes = objCrptoService.IV; int len = tempBytes.Length; if (tempIV.Length < len) tempIV = tempIV.PadRight(len, ' '); else tempIV = tempIV.Substring(0, len); return ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(tempIV); } }