Once i was working with windows registry i was trying to check registry either it exists or not, and then is not had to
create registry with specific value. i was stuck with the creation of subkey and its drwtsn32 value.
To the frank with you i tried all possibility but it was to horrible for me to create subkey and open subkey again and again.
I was looking for something like loop which will create all subkey in single call without any problem.
Key which i had
and then log = 1 as value
Initially i went through
But finally i made something easy for me, might be for you :)
C# code snippet to change registry in windows
create registry with specific value. i was stuck with the creation of subkey and its drwtsn32 value.
To the frank with you i tried all possibility but it was to horrible for me to create subkey and open subkey again and again.
I was looking for something like loop which will create all subkey in single call without any problem.
Key which i had
and then log = 1 as value
Initially i went through
But finally i made something easy for me, might be for you :)
C# code snippet to change registry in windows
using Microsoft.Win32; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace nameof { class Rededit_in_c_sharp { static RegistryKey createAllSubkey(string completeSubkey, RegistryKey rootreg) { RegistryKey _rtrn = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); var stepreg = rootreg; var stestr = ""; foreach (var item in completeSubkey.Split('\\')) { if (item != "") { try { stestr += item + @"\"; var reg = stepreg.OpenSubKey(item, true); if (reg == null) { stepreg.CreateSubKey(item); stepreg = stepreg.OpenSubKey(item, true); } else { stepreg = stepreg.OpenSubKey(item, true); } } catch (Exception exc){ Console.WriteLine(exc.Message); } } _rtrn = stepreg; } return _rtrn; } static void Main(String[] args) { var rootreg = Registry.CurrentUser; //Registry.LocalMachine var str = @"SOFTWARE\Raj\subkey1\subkey2\subkey3"; var myRegistry = createAllSubkey (str, rootreg); var keyval = myRegistry.GetValue("log", "0").ToString(); if (keyval != "1") { myRegistry.SetValue("log", 1, RegistryValueKind.DWord); } Console.Read(); } } }