Q: What is Func Keyword in C#?
Ans: We could say it is a type of parameterized delegate in C#.
in this given example i am going to describe how func keyword is working with lamda expression and how we can have body of a function with return type in generic Func.
Ans: We could say it is a type of parameterized delegate in C#.
in this given example i am going to describe how func keyword is working with lamda expression and how we can have body of a function with return type in generic Func.
using System; namespace Func_Keyword { class Program { public static string UpperName(string name) { return name.ToUpper(); } static void Main(string[] args) { Func<string> func1 = () => "My name is Raj"; Func<string, string> func2 = (solutation) => solutation + " Raj"; Func<string, string, string> func3 = (solutation, name) => solutation + " " + name; Console.WriteLine(func1.Invoke()); Console.WriteLine(func2.Invoke("Mr.")); Console.WriteLine(func3.Invoke("Mr.", "Raj")); func2 = UpperName; Console.WriteLine(func2("i was in lowercase but now uppercase")); Console.WriteLine(func2.Invoke("i was in lowercase but now uppercase")); Func<string> func4 = () => { return "Again i am Raj"; }; Console.WriteLine(func4()); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace ActionFunc { public static class Extension { public static List<string> AddPrefix(this List<string> values, string prefix, Func<string, bool> condition = null) { if (condition == null) { return (from s in values select prefix + " " + s).ToList(); } else { return (from s in values where condition(s) select prefix + " " + s).ToList(); } } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var names = new List<string>() { "raj", "Raja" }; var prefixNamesWithCondition = names.AddPrefix("mr.", name => name.Length > 3); var prefixNamesWithDefault = names.AddPrefix("mr."); Console.Read(); } } }
using System; namespace CreateMethodWithFunc { public static class StringExtension { public static string AddTabAsSufix(this string text, int tabCount, Func<string,string> arrangeInput ) { //string tab = string.Empty; //for (int i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) //{ // tab += "\t"; //} //return arrangeInput(text + tab); return arrangeInput(text + string.Empty.PadLeft(tabCount, '\t') ); } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("raj".AddTabAsSufix( 5 , s => s + "kumar")); Console.Read(); } } }
Callback example with Action in C#
using System; namespace CallBackFunc { public enum ValidationType { Email, HttpUrl, HttpsUrl } public class Validator { public static void Validate(ValidationType validationType, object data, Action onSuccess, Action<string> onFailoure) { ValidationResponse validationResponse; switch (validationType) { case ValidationType.Email: validationResponse = IsValidEmail((string)data); break; case ValidationType.HttpUrl: validationResponse = IsValidHttpUrl((string)data); break; case ValidationType.HttpsUrl: validationResponse = IsValidHttpsUrl((string)data); break; default: validationResponse = new ValidationResponse { IsValid = false, Message = $"Invalid {validationType}" }; break; } if (validationResponse.IsValid) { onSuccess(); } else { onFailoure(validationResponse.Message); } } private static ValidationResponse IsValidEmail(string email) { return new ValidationResponse { IsValid = false, Message = "Invalid email." }; } private static ValidationResponse IsValidHttpUrl(string httpUrl) { return new ValidationResponse { IsValid = false, Message = "Invalid httpUrl." }; } private static ValidationResponse IsValidHttpsUrl(string httpsUrl) { return new ValidationResponse { IsValid = httpsUrl.Contains("valid"), Message = "Invalid httpsUrl." }; } } class ValidationResponse { public bool IsValid { get; set; } public string Message { get; set; } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Validator.Validate(ValidationType.HttpsUrl, "http://aaavalid.com", onSuccess: () => { Console.WriteLine($"Wooh! I am valid {ValidationType.HttpsUrl}."); }, onFailoure: (message) => { Console.WriteLine(message); }); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
The Generic
Action<> delegate is defined in the System namespace of microlib.dll
This Action<>
generic delegate, points to a method that takes up to 16 Parameters and returns
The generic
Func<> delegate is used when we want to point to a method that returns a
This delegate can
point to a method that takes up to 16 Parameters and returns a value.
Always remember that
the final parameter of Func<> is always the return value of the method.
(For examle Func< int, int, string>, this version of the Func<>
delegate will take 2 int parameters and returns a string value.)